Congrats Tommysaurus!

Today marks an important milestone. It’s your last day of High School. I told myself I wouldn’t blink but, I did and here we are 17 years later. My baby boy, my Tomzilla, Tommysaurus…my Singular Sensation, you are no longer that little boy. Oh, how I miss that little boy! However , I’m truly impressed of the man you are becoming. You are dependable, practical and pragmatic. And unbeknownst to you, you are a sensitive guy with a big warm heart.

Everyone knows you have a brilliant mind- Always curious, always questioning. I respect your uniqueness and quirks. I envy your boldness. We have varied opinions on almost everything under the sun, but I am not here to make you conform to my ideals, beliefs, and philosophies. I encourage you to continue to find yourself, to know yourself, be true to yourself. Don’t lose track of your values and beliefs. I encourage you to challenge the status quo. Know your voice and let it be heard. You have the power to change things.
The previous months have tested your determination and resilience but you’re sensibilities never faltered. You don’t sweat the small stuff. You are always looking at the bigger picture, always finding the silver lining. It is expected that you will start this journey, this new chapter with trepidation, more so now than ever. As your mother, I know you have the grit and the guts to take on life. Never be discouraged when a wrench is thrown into your plans. Embrace life, the good and the ugly. Stay confident and passionate! Believe in yourself. I hope that I have given you enough guidance, love and support as you venture into adulthood. Remember in life, you win some, you lose some. It’s just a matter of faith, perspective and lessons to be had. What’s important is that when you are winning, be grateful, stay humble and kind. And in defeat, be steadfast, carry on and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Congratulations on your successes in High School! Your hard work and determination has paid off. As you contemplate your future, know that you have a family to lean on…24/7, rain or shine, come hell or high water, your Dad and I will always be here for you.

From that moment I held you in my arms for the very first time, to this very day, you continue to be a source of joy, love and strength. I am truly blessed to have you for a son and my heart is overflowing. As I step back and watch your life unfold, my only hope is that I have given you strong roots and opened up infinity for you to spread your wings and soar!

I love you, Tommy, I love you very much!

The Wonder Years

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